I know its cliche but I'd have to say my biggest fear is dying an old lady alone with cats (I hate cats). One that curses at children playing, whose hostile womb has long since sputtered its swan song to its abandoned ovaries. A close second is camel toe. I have an irrational fear of camel toe. Actually, it's not entirely irrational. I wear spandex more than most and I don't particularly like underwear. But I'm also afraid that I don't actually know what qualifies as 'camel toe'. I can get into the graphic details involving more than one crotchal crease and vaginal fold BUT I wont. Instead I just Urban Dictionaried that mess. This is what I got: " When her pants are so tight you can read her lips!" "A vaginal wedgie("vedgie"), most commonly caused by tight pants that work their way into the crevices of the vaginia making a shape that clearly resembles a camel's toe" "When a woman's clothing clings so tigh...
On Stuff, Things, and Watcha-Ma-Call-Its.