If you've ever woken up with half a bagel on your chest, one contact in, and your spandex American Apparel dress rolled up to just under your breasts (exposing your naked bottom half) then you've probably got some splainin' to do. Welcome to my morning. Last night was kind of a blast from the past. I partied it up Purim style with C in the financial district. Drank some wine. Ate some triangle pastries. Met some new people and remet some others. And that is probably where I went wrong. My thoughts this morning: 7:00 AM: O h man, huuunnngg over. hair izzzza messss. tvzzz onnn...remote...wheresma remote? Where the fuck? oh there! no, cell. uhhh don't move head. can't move body. ouch. or eyes. just feel for remote. (yes, my thought were slurred) 10:00 AM: fuck! oh sat up to fast. cell phone...where is my cell phone? got it. nope. remote. *realization* Damn I really said that. That was messed up. Good t...
On Stuff, Things, and Watcha-Ma-Call-Its.