So AW introduced me to this new blog called, 1,000 Awesome Things which I'm really enjoying. And I like a lot of her/his posts and loooove a bunch of 'em. But some of them are N/A for me. I appreciate the dedication and in no way is my post a 'this-is-what-you-forgot-even-though-you're-only-at-442-awesome-things post. It's more of a Claudia's-5-awesome-things-that-you-should-add post. I'll be honest I haven't read all of the posts so I'm not entirely sure that one or all of these suggestions aren't already on the list. But, if there's any overlap I promise it is a matter of awesomeness oneness and universal agreement, not a matter of intellectual property theft. 1. Rediscovering, playing, and singing old school Disney movie songs with (or without) your friends. In 6th Grade I had a part filapino friend who would watch Mulan with me on a weekly basis. she would bend over tie her hair in a bun really tight. She'd cross her a...
On Stuff, Things, and Watcha-Ma-Call-Its.